Thread: Terrorist
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Old 07-21-2005, 10:13 AM   #37 (permalink)
Originally Posted by moosenose
Try looking up the definition of "adhere". Then apply that definition to raider's post. The First Amendment has NEVER covered criminal acts of speech like fraud, perjury, or treason. That's why you can't "falsely yell fire in a crowded theater", to quote OWH.

BTW, Host, if I was trying to intimidate you or Raider, I would have reported you to the appropriate authorities, and you'd have been visited already. Your posts on this board certainly would satisfy the low standards of proof required to satisfy probable cause. Certain three letter agencies seem to take this kind of thing very seriously, and people have already gone to jail over voicing support for the insurgents in Iraq.
moosenose, I notice now that you edited your last post between the time I was composing my reply to it, and the time that you posted your edit. Does this mean that you changed your mind, and you have decided to "report us"?

I quote and link your other post....from last remind you and to alert "others" that this is the second time that you've "let me slide". On the one hand, I'm grateful to you, relieved in fact....but also, I'm troubled. I'm troubled because I mourn about what is happening to my country. My government has apparently opened, created, facilitated a channel for you to threaten me, at your whim. You've told me twice now that you haven't "reported" my subversion, my haven't "turned me in".....(not yet, anway). What is it you want, moosenose? Is it money? Can I pay you to continue "not" reporting me? Has even asking this, "set you off"?

Does everyone see where we are heading? "Closing the thread" in response to moosenose's "assurances" that he has "not reported" anyone yet, is one response to this, exposing it for what it is, is another.)

I read and I copied and pasted what you originally posted moosenose. edited it, but I read it before you did. Shame on you. It is called "abuse of power"; what you are doing here. You are the subversive influence here, the dissident against decency.
Originally Posted by moosenose
There are many ways to be an employee of the Federal Government other than being a LEO, and there are many ways to be an LEO without being "Federal". Many people have "jurisdictions" that are not "Federal LEOs". I'm sure that on your six or seven year oddessy prior to being pardoned, you found many "friends and professional associates" while tooling around in the underground. I'm sure that some of them were there for more than what you did. Does that make them a threat to me? You speak of "resources at their disposal", to "deal with the likes of you". Have you ever heard the phrase "Duty, Honor, Country"? They use their resources to deal with people who break the law, because that is their duty. They do not misuse their authority (be it Constitutionally or Statutorily provided) because to do so would be a stain upon their collective honor. And they put themselves in harms way to do their jobs because they love their country. They sure as hell don't do it for the money. And I certainly haven't talked with them about you.............

.....Ah. Now we're back to the Left's favorite Mantra: "Free Speech for Me, But None For Thee!" Remember how "First Amendment Zones" came into existence? That wasn't the RIGHT trying to muzzle the Left....

You have a point of view. So do I. That's the great thing about America....people can and do have different points of view. It's only when a person's point of view crosses the line from being a "point of view" and turns into a "crime" that there is a problem. This happens more frequently than you might think. For example, I heard on NPR yesterday about one of the so-called "Paintball Jihadists". The person in question expressed his "point of view" to his friends. His friends took action based upon his "point of view" as he expressed it to them. They are all in federal prison now, his friends for going to Pakistan and training for Jihad, and him for inciting and encouraging them to break the law by expressing his "point of view" about how they should go to Pakistan and train for Jihad. Basically, he said "Go break the law". They did. And he went to jail for it.
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