(Ok, now I'm posting my opinion...)
From what I've seen and read, there are troops out there that can't stand being in the desert and want nothing more than Bush to admit his mistake and bring them home. Some of them feel that this is a senseless war and they have no business being there. But I'm not going to try and change the opinion of someone who advocates violence to solve any type of problem (you wanna stick your retired boot up my ass too for voicing my opinion that happens to disagree with yours?) because you will obviously go along with anything that Bush says or does no matter what contradictory evidence is place in front of them.
And yes, Bush is a failure. he's failed the troops, he's failed the citizens of America, and most of all he's failed himself in the way he's conducted himself as president.
Last edited by Hardknock; 07-21-2005 at 10:12 AM..