Originally Posted by Leo
Go to primary sources and make your mind up about the issues from there (there aren't alot about yet because the detail's not finished and the proposed legislation won't be completed for a couple of months).
Hey dlishsguy...the above still stands which is why I haven't responded yet. I attended an IR forum earlier this week and there's still not a lot of firm detail about. They anticipate the legislation will be finished around October. The broad policy was announced 26 May and can be found at
www.workplace.gov.au Just click on the 'Workplace Relations - our plan' link and you will find the PM's 26 May policy statement to parliament outlining the reforms as well as some other bumph. Ignore the political spin and look at the detail (such as it is). You can find some pretty extensive info on the broader rationale for the changes at
www.simplerwrsystem.gov.au It's an older site but the government hasn't moved much from the position given there. There's enough info there to put insomniacs to sleep the world over.