In a nutshell (no pun..), I was grasping my right nut and felt a suspicious lump. However, I've done some reading on testicular cancer tests and it doesn't feel like the tests describe (pea to marble sized..) It's much smaller, maybe like a few pinheads combined. I figure I'll have it checked out on my next visit, but I'm wondering if some of you guys could help me. Can you fondle the back side of your right ball and tell me if you feel anything? There's a sensitive (pain) tube that connects to the back and the bump I'm feeling is right where this attaches, and I get the same pain when I rub it. I'm thinking that the bump is just the connection of this semi-flat feeling tube and will forget about it if you guys feel it too. It's not a lump, rather a pretty abrubt, not-smooth bump that juts out quick.
Thanks for any help you can give
ps: it's kind of hard to get to the area to feel it. It's almost on the top backside of your ball. If it's turned sideways, left and right as an oval, it's on the right (outside), upper back side and it might take some skillful manuvers to feel anything.