Thread: Terrorist
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Old 07-20-2005, 10:54 PM   #27 (permalink)
Originally Posted by moosenose
Just out of curiosity, are you a US Citizen? And if you are, have you read Article 3 § 3 of the US Constitution?
Careful, Rdr4evr....this is the intro to a moosenose attempt to intimidate you. It is quite ominous, and apparently viewed, in some quarters, as quite keeps happening here, and in this country. Remember Ari Fleischer? After the attempt to intimidate Bill take away his TV show, to turn his audience against him? moosenose and Fleischer....intent on reminding us that the "freedoms" NCB is so committed to fighting and dying for....have become such fragile and elusive things. The sad irony is that time reveals moosenose to be wrong. Wrong about accusations that Rove leaked secret information, wrong about who the war criminals are, wrong about the U.S. waging unprovoked, illegal, pre-emptive war.

Dissent is the paramount crime, Rdr4evr, moosenose will tell you that. It is always inappropriate. It is okay to answer the questions, ("are you a US Citizen? And if you are, have you read Article 3"), Rdr4evr, just think about them the next time you speak to contribute to the body of opinion that is against the atrocities committed in the name of Bush's pre-emptive war.
We live in an upside down world, when we are "cautioned', "warned", "intimidated", into not sharing our objection to murder, destruction, deceit.

How dare you, moosenose? How dare you Ari Fleisher?

Q As Commander-In-Chief, what was the President's reaction to television's Bill Maher, in his announcement that members of our Armed Forces who deal with missiles are cowards, while the armed terrorists who killed 6,000 unarmed are not cowards, for which Maher was briefly moved off a Washington television station?

MR. FLEISCHER: I have not discussed it with the President, one. I have --

Q Surely, as a --

MR. FLEISCHER: I'm getting there.

Q Surely as Commander, he was enraged at that, wasn't he?

MR. FLEISCHER: I'm getting there, Les.

Q Okay.

MR. FLEISCHER: I'm aware of the press reports about what he said. I have not seen the actual transcript of the show itself. But assuming the press reports are right, it's a terrible thing to say, and it unfortunate. And that's why -- there was an earlier question about has the President said anything to people in his own party -- <h4>they're reminders to all Americans that they need to watch what they say, watch what they do. This is not a time for remarks like that; there never is.</h4>
Originally Posted by moosenose
Saddam was not a nice man. Your defense and support of his rule is duly noted. "Aid and comfort", "aid and comfort", my "friend"...
I'm thinking that a whole shiatload of people are about to get sued BIGTIME. And remember, while the reporters can not say "So and so gave us Plame's name" without setting a terrible precedent and violating their ethics code, they CAN say "Karl Rove did NOT give us Plame's name" WITHOUT violating their ethics or setting a bad precedent, if in fact he did not.

I'm popping popcorn and waiting for the Judicial Smackies to be administered. Can you say "Malice Aforethought"?
..........My presence here is not part of my job description. I have never, EVER accessed this site from work, because to do so would be a violation of my agency's internet use policy. I'm not a Federal LEO. And I doubt VERY seriously that you live within my jurisdiction. So I'd postulate that I am NOT any more of a "threat" to your dissenting in this forum than any other person with email or a telephone would be, unless you should consider my "personal network" of friends and professional associates to be a "threat" to you, which I don't think a rational person would. In fact, as I discussed above, I'm far less of a "threat" to you than any of the mods or admin are, since they have a very large vested interest in keeping you from posting illegalities here, and I do not.
Please, moosenose, stop trying to intimidate people who post ideas and opinions that you disagree with.

Originally Posted by moosenose
Personally, I'd think you would be more concerned about the mods or admins than me. After all, if you post something illegal (like, after explaining how you had broken the law as an act of civil disobedience, and then spent six or seven years as a fugitive from justice before being pardoned, and then encouraged others to commit what some would call "acts of civil disobedience" and the rest of us would refer to as "felonies"...) THEY are the ones with an incentive to report you, if for no other reason than to avoid criminal liability for themselves. Take, for example, if somebody repeatedly posted pictures in the EZ of a 30 something year old man having sex with an obviously very underage female. That would obviously be a criminal act, yes? What do you think their response would be? After all, the record of the criminal act would be on their servers, so just deleting the posts without reporting it to the appropriate authorities could be construed as obstruction of justice or various other charges of a similar nature depending on the locality. They obviously couldn't legally leave the posts up, either, lest they become guilty of distribution of child pornography. So what would they do? I haven't spoken with them about such a scenario, but I think it is a virtual given that they would do the right thing and report it to the appropriate authorities................
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