Fuck, I was just trying to play a game of basketball.
I see this kind of stuff all the time on the basketball court by my house. A pick up game with nothing riding on it turns crazy violent. I always get worried they'll spill over into my court and I'll have to beat them with my tennis racket.
I think the problem is most pick up games go by the no blood, no foul rule. It only takes one asshole to start shoving and before too long the blood starts flying. Oddly, I never see anyone at the foul line afterwards.
I really only play contact sports with friends these days. About two years ago I went to play some football with a few friends and a lot of assholes. After watching my buddy get laid out by a 250 lbs. jack ass, I realized I wasn't having fun. What's the point of playing any sport if you're not having fun and not getting paid?