1. olympic white water kayaking is similar to salolm skiing
2. good kayakers generally drive run-down volvo's and minivans not shiny SUV's just ask my brother who made a few bucks running "O-B-Joyful" in an x-terra ad, he drove home from the shoot in a soccer mom mobile.
3. America is not that great internationally at wrestling because we practice a unique style of wrestling in american highschools and college. Our amazing talent is wasted on "folkstyle" or collegiate, while the world does freestyle and grecco.
4. That being said, folkstyle is more fun to watch/ do
1. America's health care system depending on the year ranks from around 11-16 according to W.H.O. An american black male growing up in harlem has the same life expectancy as a person growing up in Bangladesh. We have the worst health care system among 1st world countries.
2. antibiotics will not cure your cold, so dont ask your doctor
"Jombe? The chocolate icing" -hedonism bot