Originally Posted by NCB
You're saying what other leftists want to say. At least you're honest about it.
However, tecoyah is right in saying it's an immflamatory remark, for we're trying to maintain a level of discourse in here thats above the moveon.orgs and the freerepublics.orgs.
On a personal note, it's absolutley insulting as a veteran who has actually served in a TofO that you demean the same people who protect the freedoms that you refuse to fight for. [/rant]. Carry on
Please explain who you presume is "protect[ing] the freedoms", where (geographically speaking) "they" are "protect[ing] the freedoms", and who you are presuming, is the "you" who you presume in your "you refuse to fight", statement.
What are the "freedoms", as you refer to them, and how can they be inventoried today, compared to their status on January 19, 2001? Is there enough left of them to determine if they are "worth fighting for"? Have we brought "the freedoms" to Iraq? Where ? How?
Are you simply engaging in sloganeering with vitriol?