Originally Posted by NCB
You're saying what other leftists want to say. At least you're honest about it.
Geez... that is a very big brush you have there... are you sure you have enough paint on it?
Nothing like meeting inflammatory speech with more inflammatory speech.
Originally Posted by NCB
On a personal note, it's absolutley insulting as a veteran who has actually served in a TofO that you demean the same people who protect the freedoms that you refuse to fight for. [/rant]. Carry on
This too misses the point. Regardless of how one feels about troops on the ground it doesn't change the fact that your troops are killing civillians... of course the politically correct way to argue this is to place the blame where it belongs... on the administration.
Raider's post was careful not to implicate the soldiers directly and your knee jerk defense of "people who protect the freedoms that you refuse to fight for" is just an emotional distraction from the central argument.