You have to like a guy like Moore who thinks of those things. Let's just hope that as this thing gets successful, they don't decide that they are smarter than he is.
I have met a number of women like Tigh's wife. They are frightening is how much trouble they cause. Unreal. They are doing a good job capturing that in her.
I read over a (my god I am a dork) transcript of the 1st episode of the Miniseries yesterday and Six said she implanted a chip into Baltar's brain while he was sleeping that projects her conciousness into his vision or whatever. She said it all funny though when they were on the Raptor on the way back from Caprica to the Galactica the first time. Maybe she was kidding. Speaking of Six, my wife and I are about to have our first (and likely only) kid in a couple weeks. We were working on names and I thought that it would be cool to have a number for a name although Six is too much like "Sex". I suggested "Twenty" and thought it would be a cool girl name. Result: Vetoed
guthmund - it would be cool to have a drink with you sometime and talk useless shit like this. Make sure if you are ever in Southern California you let me know. I don't think I will be in Arkansas any time soon (assuming that is where you are).
All truth passes through three stages:
First it is ridiculed
Second, it is violently opposed and
Third, it is accepted as self-evident.