Mr. DOLE: think it has already been stated by the chairman of the committee. But I want to reemphasize the record to show again that the Judiciary committee began its hearings on July 20, a mere 36 days after the Ginsburg nomination was formally announced by President Clinton. No Republican nominee to the Court in recent history has been considered so expeditiously.
I wish Judge Ginsburg the very best as she assumes that awesome responsibility of sitting on our Nation's highest Court. Needless to say, I look forward to having a neighbor that I can proudly call Madam Justice.
Mr. BIDEN. Mr. President,I would like to thank the Republican leader for his compliment and acknowledgement. What he said about the speed with which we moved is absolutely accurate. I hope the Democrats do keep that in mind if things change in 3 years. I also point out that however long it may be, but as long as I am chair of the committee--and I think my view is shared by all members of the committee--we will continue to have a closed hearing. I believe it is a necessary change and innovation for the very reasons the Senator has indicated.
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I thank the Republican leader for his comments and, hopefully, we can move as expeditiously on Republican nominees as we have on Democratic if and when that time returns.
Odds that Roberts will recieve same treatment:1500:1