If he thinks she is unattractive - why is everybody so up in arms? There is no chemistry from his side - so what is the big deal? If he was artificially nice to her just to get in good with her friends, then THERE is the problem. But he was just being genuinely nice...NO problem.
Don't waste your time trying to buy in to something you have no interest in. Tread lightly on asking the other one(s) out since there is going to be a territorial thing happening.
So you think she isn't attractive... maybe, perhaps, fugly - I love a good looking face...I don't know that I would be attracted to somebody who wasn't good looking. From THIS woman's perspective, it is OK to think she is fugly, or butterfaced (lmao). It's even ok to share those thoughts here...be careful not to let her think so though.
Maybe it was over when she chucked me out the Rover at full speed.
Maybe Maybe...