You know - you are really selling me with the whole Baltar thing. That MUST be a tough role to pull off. I mean I am not sure if it happens in real life or not but whenever he gets out of line, she beats the piss out of him - slamming his head against a wall or something. He seems to have a healthy fear of her.
What I have to keep wondering is HOW excatlly she is in his head? I think she was in there since they were on Caprica, but what about when the Raptor was heading back to the Galactica after picking up the 5 kids, Baltar, the old lady and whoever else was in the ship that won the lottery they held. What if everyone in there was bugged. Speaking of which - it will be interesting to see if Tigh's wife is a Cylon although I think she is just a crazy bitch.
You know - now that I think about it, they went to Ragnar (that depot with all the Weapons etc.) and maybe they picked up a mess of old Vipers there or something. That is the only way I can explain them having anything at all.
Oh well...SPOON!!!
All truth passes through three stages:
First it is ridiculed
Second, it is violently opposed and
Third, it is accepted as self-evident.