Originally Posted by roachboy
your primary point of departure appears to be that odious little pep talk rove gave to loyalists a few weeks ago. you repeat the same logic, use the same words, yet you pretend this is your argument. this appears to be how folk from your side of the political spectrum operate, however: through the internalization of talking points. which is the best proof i know of exactly what the right really means when they talk about individualism.
I've heard you express this idea before. That conservative folk internalize talking points they hear and then take that arguement as their own. I'm sure this is how you perceive it.
But I can tell you from my own experience that there have been many times that I read a newsstory, see a bit on tv, or get in a conversation with another person about a topic or current event before I hear anyone else's opinion on the matter (and days before a 'talking points' memo is delivered to my doorstep).
I then develop my own opinions and ideas about whatever issue is at hand. Sometimes I keep those opinions to myself (say if I'm by myself and I'm reading a newsstory) or I may begin a dialogue with someone if I am in company.
More often than not, if its a big enough story, the next day there's a buzz. Rush says this, the whitehouse says that, some fox news contributor says whatever. And you know what, I say to myself, "hey, thats just what I thought" - not all the time, but more often than not.
I think possibly because you don't think like a conservative you don't understand that I (we) are not being told what to think or how to think it. We formulate our own opinions and ideas, and it just so happens, they are often similar. Its not a suprise to me that like-minded folk come to the same conclusions independent of one another. I find it mildly insulting that you dismiss someone's opinion because it is similar to an official memo or right-wing 'talking points'. Try to understand the possibility that people can come to their own conclusions without the help of big brother.