i agree with you about the comfort zone i got 2 credit cards when i was 18-19 and its really helped me build my credit and its nice to know that if for some reason i have a huge problem with losing a job or unforseen problem that costs alot of money to fix...that i can afford to take care of it....
i think the cause its that i feel like that i can be responcible with the money they allow me to spend..i dont know, it just feels like a 2nd savings account that, or at work kinda like a 20-30day advance on money without intrest...
and also my parents were very skeptical of credit cards for me as well but now that i am being responcible with it, it kinda gives you that comfort zone knowing that your being responseable and stuff
i think eventually being good with credit now when im 18-20's it will help when i try to buy a house so its kinda like working towards something too
"I have no idea whats going on"