i think the equation of bush with hitler is diversionary--but the broader claim, which is that populist american conservatism can be understood as a variant of fascism, is not.
of course it is to an extent a polemical claim. but there is a significant degree of accuracy within it. the ways in which this argument would work have been posted over and over on this board--i have yet to see any evidence that even a single conservative has bothered to think about the technical sense(s) in which this might be accurate.
Look the Right can do the exact same thing about how the people on the Left can be equal to Hitler. We dont, because doing that drags all semblance of reason out of your cause and it makes people ignore you. But just so you know we can do that... here we go.
1) Hitler enacted and supported the mass killing of humans in a scientific and efficient manner. The Left continue this with Abortion
2) Hitler invaded many sovereign nations in his bid for world power. Clinton declared war on countries to continue world power, ignoring their right as Sovereign nations (Somalia/Yugoslavia/etc).
3) Hitler supported the wholesale slaughter of Jews during the war. Clinton supported the wholesale slaughter of blacks in the world by non-intervention in Rawanda/Congo/<insert other African country here>.
Look I could go on, but if you think "of the technical sense" as well it can be drawn on both sides. It's dumb, though, and kills any reasonable discussion. So lets stop it already.