Originally Posted by Mantus
...Placing myself as the possible target I would rather die knowing I did right then live knowing I did wrong.
I realize that such a frame of mind is self defeating. However the actual threat of a terrorist act ending my life or the life of someone I know is very minute. Thus the image of the country I live in takes priority over the safety of that country from threats by extreamist groups.
I'd say your position can only be maintained as long as the chance of you actually being caught in a terrorist act is small. As that chance and/or the the casualty rate gets higher, your position becomes more and more difficult to maintain. Ultimately, you *have* to strike back, if only to defend yourself.
Lets go to the extreme: people are blown up all around you, and your chances of survival are slim. In such a situation, moral standing and principles are worth nothing, only survival matters.
But luckily, we're not in such an extreme situation.