oln tv coverage
phil, paul and bob are totally cool. they all have unique perspectives: phil's covered, what, 32 tours? and paul, while not as experienced as phil, has the advantage of tv experience, the insight possible by being a former pro himself, and having worked in the motorola [us postal/now discovery] team structure. bob has the perspective of having raced and trained in the same program as lance [7/11->motorola->us postal->discovery] in the early days, and really has a great feel for the insanity that is [pro] bike racing.
if you've ever raced, you know how dead-on bobke is. if you are not a racer, it will take some getting used to. but you should try.
the idiot of the bunch is al trautwig. he really IS a big dumbass. they have one every year. follows some idiot programmer's wet-dream model.
in years past, they just had phil, paul and bob. it was ideal.
beetle bailey, pfc: veteran of the acid wars,
six tours, distinguished conduct medal, honorable discharge