In this world of our we are always forced to choose between the lesser of two evils.
Take the issue of justice.
To be considered flawlessly just one must give everyone due process. However. Such circumstance are very counterproductive to the process of fighting injustice as due process is costly in time and resourcess. Therefore we must find a middle ground. Beyond a reasonable doubt, good enough.
Now lets talk about the topic of the decade: terrorism. I know many people here follow the idea that "bombing the whole lot of em" is an effective way to deal with extreamist behaviour. Their idea is somewhat sound because we all know that most of the current extreamist threats to the western world come from Islam. So we have a general target and that's the problem, it's not percise. The glove doesnt always fit the hand. Yet this is a matter of life and death.
Is it worth allowing inoncent individuals to suffer as a result of proffiling in order to substantially aliviate the curnt threat of terrorist acts against the West? What if they are patriotic American citizens and ex-navy seals like Cyrus Kar? (link: It's injustice yet it saves lives.
Whats worth more: lives or principles?
Generally, I put the principle of justice above the lives of people. I believe in sacrificing fellow human beings in order to main an image of justice.
Placing myself as the possible target I would rather die knowing I did right then live knowing I did wrong.
I realize that such a frame of mind is self defeating. However the actual threat of a terrorist act ending my life or the life of someone I know is very minute. Thus the image of the country I live in takes priority over the safety of that country from threats by extreamist groups.