Originally posted by cdwonderful
yes, a womans body is her own decision. period.
If the unborn child was a part of the womans body, then I would absolutely agree with you. I definately have libertarian political leanings.
The trouble is, I am convinced that the unborn child fits every meaningful definition of life and that it clearly is a unique member of our species. Here, I am speaking as one with an undergrad biology degree and an MD.
The real question is whether or not the baby has a soul. I am sure that that is a question that should not be addressed by our government. Society does have a role in protecting innocent human life. I choose to err on the conservative side and I believe that our legal system is obligated to do the same.
I do recognize that others disagree and I understand their positions. Let me assure you that I am not a misogynist and I have no desire or pathological need to control women. In some societies, abortion is used to ensure male children. This should concern those who are worried about women's rights.