Originally Posted by NCB
Sure there is, and we know who they are: They tend to be young, Muslims men who want to see Western Civ go down in flames. It's not hard to figure out. True, it's not very PC to point this out. but then again, should we be listening to the same people who scream that the TSA needs to search 80yo Norwegian grandmas at the same rate as 22 yo Muslim men? I think not
The Oklahoma City bombing had nothing to do with Islamic fundamentalists. There is only one attack on American soil that threatened and took American lives as a result of anti-American Muslim men: 9/11. The fact of the matter ios that, also, the attacks on 9/11 were NOT inten ded to take lives as much as they were to take down buildings that represented wealth, power, and military. With three planes loaded with fuel, they could have hit a stadium during a sporting event and took out 50 times what they did on 9/11. Actually, there is no evidence that a terrorist goal is to murder as many Americans as possible. To the contrary, most terrorist groups are more concerned with those living in America turning against our government. We are more important to them alive.
The terrorists are, as roachboy so elequantly put, "an empty signifier whose primary function is to give people in the states--right now primarily those on the far right--something to be afraid of." As I've said before, terrorism is the new communism. It is a powerful tool of fear that is used to keep people under control. It is no more complicated than that.