Originally Posted by ShaniFaye
All I have to say is.....
Spoiler: has anyone besides me stopped to think....what if Dum had one of those horcrux (sp?) things as well? And if he DID and trusted Snape as much as he kept telling Harry..then Snape would know. He said in that final scene with Draco he could make him appear dead to Voldermort...whats to say he could do the same thing to himself? I refuse to believe Snape is bad
Just an idea
Spoiler: You had to murder someone to make a horcrux, remember? It was a deep dark magic, and I highly doubt Dumbledoor had one. Give it up people, Snape had you all fooled :P Snape will no doubt tell Harry how he fooled DD right before Harry or whoever else kills him in the last book.
Go Pistons!