Originally Posted by Bill O'Rights
I can't count how many times I see drivers taking their "right of way" in front of a responding fire truck. I just shake my head and hope that it's their house. Don't they teach this, in driver's ed, anymore.? Or, at least put it in the training manual?
I was rear-ended once by a lady because I stopped at a green light to allow the ambulance to cross the intersection. She didn't. She also didn't have insurance. Cops cited her for all sorts of stuff, including failure to yeild to an emergency vehicle. Impounded the car because she didn't have insurance.
Pet peeve: tailgating. It is rude and agressive. If I'm in the passing lane and if I can move over, I will. If you get so close to me you block my vision, then I can't move over and let you by. If you are 3 inches from my rear bumper, and I have to swerve or stop for an obstruction in the roadway, you are going to a) hit the obstruction, or b) hit me, or both. Then I will sue you for all kinds of shit, and I will win.
Not so common knowledge: If you get pulled over by a cop at night, pull off to the side, roll down your windows (yes, both sides and weather permitting), turn on your inside light, put the car in park, put your hands on TOP of the steering wheel, and WAIT for the cop to approach you.
DO NOT reach for your wallet, and do not go into your glove box. Wait for the cop. He'll ask to see these things. Tell him "OK, It's in my [back pocket/purse/glove box]" before reaching for anything.
Traffic stops are THE MOST DANGEROUS times in a cop's life. There are a shitload of cops in the ground who were killed at traffic stops. If you show him you are a) not armed, b) not going to be an agressive moron, and c) willing to cooperate, you'll be much less likely to have a bad time. If he can see inside your car and see your hands while he walks up to you, you'll be starting off right. You don't have to give up any civil rights, but you can be nice about it.