Wow. Lots of Napoleon Dynamite haters here. Well you can all go eat a decroted piece of crap, because I loved it.
Movies I didn't like that everyone else did. Hmmm. There's probably about a billion. Any movie with Will Smith in it. Any movie with Drew Barrymore in it (exception - E.T.)
Any movie with Liv Tyler or Joquain Phoenix in it. EVERY JERRY BRUCKHEIMER MOVIE!
I know I'm not being very specific, but that's how I feel.
One specific movie I hated that everyone else loved: Fight Club (the most frequently mentioned movie on this thread). It's a movie that's cool to like. Made popular by the post secondary, free thinking, anti-establishment wannabe's, this movie was waaay less than the sum of it's parts. I strongly believe it should have just been about fighting. Once the buildings started getting bombed, I gave up.
I have faith in a few things - divinity and grace
But even when I'm on my knees I know the devil preys