Originally Posted by willravel
Remember the speech that Bush made not one month ago? Remember when he was talking about Iraq? Remember when he mentioned 9/11 5 times in the speech, when talking about Iraq? They are still trying to create an association between Iraq and those responsible for 9/11. The Bush administration needs support for the war, and terrorism (based on the 9/11 atttacks) is the best motive of control at their fingertips right now. Many people still mistakenly believe that Iraq was in some way connected to at least one of the terrorist attacks on Americans.
Will, he never claimed Iraq was responsible for 9/11; he just saying that the war in Iraq is part of the war on terror. He made the statement on 9/11 that anyone who supports, funds, or harbors terrorist are with the terrorists. What part of that is hard to understand? (And if you like, we can go through all the links.....
again). He also said that it will be a war unlike any war we have previously fought and will probably last long after he's out of office.
Has he made errors in the war in Iraq? Undoubtedly, mostly in his seemingly unwillingness to fight the war like a war. However, to keep rehashing and rehashing with Michael Mooresque single mindedness, that his claims that Iraq was responsible for 9/11 is both frustrating and insulting to ones intelligence