Originally Posted by maleficent
So you are the nice guy that her parents approve of? In other words- you could be the beard for her to go out and see the one her parents disapprove of whenever she wants.
you are worth more than that...
The other guy doesn't have a car

So I'm driving usually. Doubt I'm used in that way mal.
Originally Posted by Johnny Rotten
She has a boyfriend, and she wears a personalized bracelet signaling their devotion, but you're the one who took her out to a birthday dinner... Back away very slowly.
Well, she didn't exactly put on the bracelet. She must have had it in her pants (pocket?) and it slipped out while she lowered her passanger seat in the car. Lucky me perhaps?
Originally Posted by deri
You can try to push the issue, but it sounds like she really needs to decide who she wants in her life. Does the current boyfriend know you are in the picture?
I don't think so at all.
anyways, after the incident, 2 days of thinking, I am gonna ask her what she wants. And that I'll still be a friend (probably just a distant one). Uncertain of what should happen, will keep you guys informed after I call her up. Which would be... another 2 days of thinking I think.
This incident, by the way, puts her in a place where she wants to choose. Of course, everyone wants to be on the choosing end. And as hard it is for me, this is the SECOND time I am the choosee, not the chooser (although I wouldn't like it to happen).
Love, is like a glue which bonds 2 objects. When they are seperated, one leaves with the remnants of the other, and the other however, is left broken.
I remain on the broken end today.