As a cashier/jack of all trades in a small but feverishly popular grocery store, I can say that it is a very tough job, I'd say the toughest out of any jobs I routinely perform. I'd rather be hauling crates of produce in and out of the produce room.
You constantly have to be in a state of total mental alertness, be able to recall 400+ individual PLU numbers for all the fruit/veges pretty much instantaneously, and then have the strength/agility to reach over the counter to grab the groceries off a trolley/put the shopping bags back in. With a packer the job becomes heaps easier, and nowhere near as draining.
This entire process most of my co-workers find quite draining, luckily by law we get breaks every 2 hours, and since we are pretty much free to move around the store, we do other jobs if its not busy. That and the supervisors rotate the staff around during the day, and also they mostly get the newbies on the chekouts, which is pretty good because I've been there for a while now.
All of this is a great stimuli to graduate and find a proper job, so I can look back on it all and laugh.
PS: Most of the time, if we make a mistake it is because of a slight lapse of concentration, we are not out to intentionally rip you off, and just if you explain what the error was we are more than happy to correct it.
And what SiN said, a good rubber mat makes standing so much more easier.
I can read your mind... looking at you... I can read your mind...