I am trying to install DBI and DBD-DB2 for perl. I have active perl 5.8 installed on a windowsXP machine. DBI installed fine from the ppm but when i say
ppm install
http://ftp.esoftmatic.com/outgoing/D....4/DBD-DB2.ppd it says it cant connect to the site.
So i tried building the source for which i need nmake. i have the microsoft toolkit installed with has the VC++ compiler. I then downloaded nmake from the microsoft site and it says that i just have to run the application and it uncompresses itself into two files NMAKE.EXE and NMAKER.ERR which i should put in a directory in my path and i should be good to go but when i try and execute the NMAKE setup file it says
"c:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\AUTOEXEC.NT. the system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications. Choose 'close' to terminate the application".
Any clues to whats going on? any other place i can get the DBD-DB2.ppd would be helpfull too.