and so I wrote this just now
He lives in a room
All on his own
He writes out poems
Nobody reads, nobody gets
She doesnt cry
Anymore, she doesnt
Wear that shirt he bought
Ever, but she hasnt thrown it out
All he ever needed was a sense of perspective
All the love he feels is undirected
Oh mother, oh mother, I cant explain
Just what you've done to me
She never knows how to answer the phone
It could be anything
the wars I wage, the wars I wage
Mean NOTHING to her
Just an ideal
Every black eye I've ever took
Healed up long ago
There's lots of things I cant get right
But I'll fight
If you try to kill me tonight
I wish I could dye my eyes all white
And I wish I could be there tonight
SO if you start crying
I could kiss away your tears
I wont be crying
But I wanted to
And I wanted to
Flicking through these photographs
The sun in your hair
That smile, your hand
Unthinkingly finding mine
The old field behind the estate
And another
Your hand on my chest
Golden hair
Your hand in my hand
A unthinking kiss
Unblinking eyes, staring into me
The ringtone of your phone
There is only so much
Of this I can take
Without dying.
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas