Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
First and foremost, there doesn't have to be a reason except that Halx has stated that he's not interested in exploring that aspect of sociology. It's purpose that I've been able to figure out is not to tame the male species but to bridge the gap between the sexes. To help each other understand each other better so to speak.
I agree with the first sentence completely; it's his barn and he can run the stable however he pleases. BUT, since input and suggestions are welcomed, we are doing him a disservice by not putting forth what we want in his site--because without us, he's got an empty board.
And the purpose of having a "men's only" area IS to help us understand each other. The questions I envision in such a place would help men discuss their experiences in life, many of which would include women. However, there, as in the LL, the men would feel free to speak freely without being corrected by someone trying to appeal to our softer side. We have them, and as a gentleman, I try to put mine forward at all times, but let's not bury our heads and assume that the way a man tries to express himself in mixed company is what he's really thinking.
Being able to post thoughts without offending someone is tantamount to discussion. You create a hostile environment for a single person and people will not be so interested in responding.
FINALLY, you get it!! (Maybe without meaning to.) The reason for a men's area is so to avoid creating a hostile environment and offending women as we discuss their quirks and seemingly unfathomable ways. And here I thought we weren't getting anywhere!
A man that ventures into the Ladies Lounge has no right to complain about what he sees there--and the same would be true for women in that ONE limited area, should it exist here. If it's something that would offend a woman, she has no reason to even go there and be offended.
Men are being allowed to be men, but the softer side of being a man, is what seems to be being explored here. Men who are comfortable enough to express their more effeminite side without having to worry about being chided by the more alpha male types.
Why try to make men be women, though? That makes no more sense than trying to make women be men.
There's plenty of places all around the internet that cater to exactly what you are saying. There's even media to boot, from Maxim to Men's Health, SpikeTV to Speed Channel.
And there are Cosmo, Lifetime and the like for women out there, too.
I truly appreciate the way you've tried to defend the indefensible here--as an attorney, I get called on to do that all too often-- and you've put forward what I think is the best face on the "it's not needed" position. If one takes the position that it would be only a place to discuss shaving, genital size and talking to women, that might be a reason not to have it; on the other hand, how would that differ too much from the female side of things? But once it becomes apparent there are other things that guys can discuss best with just other guys, then the whole rationale crumbles.
And still, it's Halx's place, and if he thinks it won't further the purposes of his board, even though it's a totally arbitrary position, then that's the final word, and I accept it. I don't have to LIKE it, but then again, I'm a volunteer here, anyway.