Ugh...Absolute ugh..
Some spoilers....
Spoiler: First of all, let me preface this by saying that I thought the first 2/3 of the book was great. She introduced a couple of new characters, left around some of the old favorites and made Dumbledore a bigger part of the story. Nice progression of the story. Familiar, but with enough new stuff (characters, plot lines, etc..) to prevent being bored. Things were moving on nicely.
Now I understand why Dumbledore had to die. Something had to happen to force Harry's hand concerning Voldemort. As long as Albus Dumbledore was there to protect him, Harry was never going to step up to the plate, so to speak. So, I'm okay with that...really.
It's just the little things.
I don't like Malfoy as a sympathetic character. She's spent 5 books showing us just how snotty little Draco could be, it's a bit late to be changing the character arc to elicit sympathy from the readers.
I understand that love is supposed to be the prevailing theme of this book, but slapping together characters haphazardly (and a bit randomly) doesn't seem to be working. Bill and Fleur; Ron and Lavender; Ron and Hermione; Remus and Nymphadora; blah blah blah...
Which brings me to the biggest disappointment in the whole damn book, Harry himself. As much as I enjoy the angry, angst filled Harry who lashes out at everyone for little reason from the 5th book, I thought he might go the way of the Dodo in this one. The whole ordeal with Ginny is a bit to Spiderman-ish to take seriously. Not to mention incredibly stupid considering the last serious conversation Harry had with Dumbledore was about how the ability to 'love' was the one thing Harry had that Voldemort didn't. I would think, since Harry has decided to seek out Voldemort himself, that he would want to be able to use the one advantage he has over the Dark Lord.
Snape. I think it's ridiculous how that played out. Dumbledore was a wise wizard known for his sharp mind and cleverness. I hardly think it's right that he be duped by Severus Snape. Especially for such a lame ass reason; Snape said he was sorry and I believed him, yuk yuk. Guess I am a doddering old fart. I really hope there's more going on there than it seems.
And last but not least, Vigilante Harry and his roving band of justice. That's all I'll say except to ask if this is really where Rowling is going with this?
No signature. None. Seriously.
Last edited by guthmund; 07-17-2005 at 10:31 AM..