Originally Posted by Zodiak
The Constitution says that the President appoints judges under the advise and consent of the Senate. Checks and balances and all....this is not a dictatorship, although some in this country would argue otherwise and by doing so put their party before country.
So shouldn't we be asking Bill Frist then for his nominee choices? Or does advise and consent only apply to Dems?
Ginsberg went in because a Republican suggested her. Clinton took the advice and nominated her, and the Senate gave her 93 votes. THAT is how this should be done, but I have a feeling that this nomination will be another selfish power grab.
I agree here 100%. The Dems will do their best to obstruct whoever is nominated as a way to somehow salvage what little power their party has left.
oh...and Roe v. Wade will not be overturned. It is too valuable of a tool to get fundamentalist Christians to the polls. Remember that to these Mayberry Machiavellis, issues mean nothing in the face of gaining and preserving power.
I could see this happening easily. Not only would it cut into the ideological base of the republicans, but would give a rally point for dems. But as we have seen in the past, once someone's on the bench it's hard to say for sure what they will do.