I'm thinking about getting an LCD after my 21" CRT crapped out on me. The thing is I've never had any real experience with one but I did read up on it and have narrowed it down to pretty much two LCDs.
Samsung 915N
Hyundai L90D+
Also looking at the Samsung 930B, seems to be a newer 915
Both seem basically the same with only a few variations like viewing angles, panel type, and display colors. But I wasn't really sure which to go for since the Hyundai one seems to get better reviews by customers online but they also say its pretty much a typical Hyundai product, not nessecarily the best quality.
I'm not really sure about this but can anyone clarify if I would be able to use any of these monitors with two different inputs? I have one computer that I would like to use DVI on since the visual quality is much better but the other PC that I was to use it with (KVM switch) doesn't have a DVI port. The KVM also only uses VGA so I would have to convert DVI to VGA if I couldn't.