Help my scared cat!
Well I have a 6 year old spaded female house cat, never goes outdoors, still has its claws and has turned into a complete pussy. She was about 4 months old when we got her, and she was abused before i believe, as a kitten she was very skiddish, slept (in) my sofa for the first month we had her, only came out at night. if you picked her up she felt like she would shake apart. Anyway, she came around and has become a very cuddly and friendly cat to my wife and I. strangers got the cold shoulder, rarely would she ever come out, but the odd time she would come out and rub against people other than my wife and I. Ever since my little girl now 15 months old started to walk the cat will not come out ever during the day. only comes out to feed at night, use the can.
We've tried everything to get cat to come out during the day and not be afraid of the kid its just got me a bit pissed that i now have a cat that eats this preimum food and has all the usual crap...etc for some animal that i never see and total defeats the goal of having a cat.
Anyone have any suggestions that could help Mary sparkles get over the fear of the kid, i just don't see it turning around even if i give years. my cat is not total afraid of my daughter, she will let the kid pet her some times. can you get prescriptions for cats? or bullets? kidding of course. But at this point i want a cat to interact with my little girl, whenever we are around cats at friends houses..etc she goes crazy and the cats roll around with her and play. very cute. love the cat, but out she goes if it continues to be the cold shoulder. slight stoned as i type this sorry for the length.