Originally Posted by kutulu
And that is exactly what is wrong with people today.
Is it an exaggeration, sure, but the point is true. Nobody gives a damn about an oppressive govt. unless they are oppressing them.
Athletes are more likely to need knee replacement surgery. It ain't cheap so it raises everyone else's premiums. Maybe we should but a tax on sporting goods. People who type all day can get carpal's tunnel, maybe we put a tax on keyboards too. Where does it end?
That's the point I'm making.
People act like it's no BFD and act like they want everyone else to pay for them. It's BS. It's government control and what amazes me are some of these people who are "ok" with it are fricking right wingers who believe there is too much government in their lives. Yet, they are ok with this?????
How much more involved in your life can a government get when they start telling you what you can and cannot do with your body?
Hey, if the government pays for my healthcare I have should listen to them, BUT if they refuse universal healthcare then stay the fuck out of what I legally put into my body.
What happens if all the smokers stop? Where is the tax money going to come from then? ANSWER: the sodas, the coffees, the fast foods etc.
Look if I enjoy soda, or smoking or coffee or fast food or rock climbing or unprotected sex, or whatever and the government starts dictating to me where I can enjoy those, or how I can enjoy those or tax those to where I no longer can enjoy those........ WTF am I working for? WTF am I doing being a law abiding citizen trying to find happiness and fulfillment in my life.
Yet, this same government so fucking worried about what I put into my body allows semi-automatics to be sold to just about anyone, allows people to ride motorcycles with shorts and no helmets, allows companies to dump toxic waste into the ground waters, allows companies to put steroids into meat, allows farmers to turn natural omnivores into cannibals, allows carcinogenic herbicides and pesticides to be put on our fruits and vegetables, allows Pharmaceutical companies to put hazardous undertested drugs on the market and pay doctors to prescribe them and government doesn't say a God damned word to those who do it............ something is fucked up in the system.
You're telling me companies have more rights to put poisons into our bodies than we have say in what we can do with our own bodies?????
Where does this fucking madness end.
Let's just do away with everything we enjoy, live in little sterilized square places with plastic sterile hypoallergenic furniture that must be sterilized everyday, not have sex unless to procreate, not eat anything that government does not approve, not have cars that can go over 35MPH, not have any sharp objects, (but we can have guns because the NRA pays government big bucks to allow that), not be able to do anything where we may get hurt.
And when nature does eventually take its toll on you, and makes you sick .... FUCK YOU PAY THE HOSPITAL BILL .... or we'll take your all those things we deemed healthy for you away and throw you into a debtors prison.
I maybe going too far or...... this maybe the wave of the future and the way we live in 50 years.
Where does it end and every freedom they take, every label they give us, every time they tell us what is good for us...... they take away another RIGHT of choice.