I don't think it has ever occurred to me to disrespect someone who is performing a service for me. My parents taught me that everyone is worthy of respect. This stems from having grandparents who worked their asses off to gain the American dream and seeing the results of all their hard work. One of my grandfathers worked three janitorial jobs for years, working for various doctor's offices. My mother once went with her father to work and she couldn't bear the looks people gave him--not only was he a janitor, he was a cripple to boot. But my grandfather eventually started working for Boeing and was the head janitor at one of their plants for years. There, evidently, things weren't so bad.
I've worked some really shitty jobs in my time and cleaned my fair share of public restrooms. People are gross. Personally, I always try to clean up my mess as much as possible--at restaurants, at movie theaters, in the restroom, etc., so someone else doesn't have to do it for me. Sure, they get paid to clean, but no one should trash a public restroom just because of that fact.
It amazes me the things parents pass on to their children. Everyone is worthy of good treatment, regardless of who they are. Everyone.
If I am not better, at least I am different. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau