First Cigarettes and now........... Soda
I heard on the news the other night (haven't googled for a hard press release) that the government now wants to put warning labels on sodas.
They would read "This beverage may cause: diabetes, obesity, kidney disease and oral decay."
This is huge in that, 40 some years ago that's how the fight against cigarettes started.
It seems the government is willing to make choices for us. In Ohio, we just had the tax per pack go up 70 cents, while it is becoming more and more illegal to smoke in public.
It is just a matter of time now before they start looking for ways to control soda consumptions.
If a government is going to dictate what you can or cannot do for health purposes. IMHO, if the government wants to tell me what I may or may not consume then they better pay for my healthcare, otherwise they have no right in what I consume.
I understand the government is looking to find new tax revenue since jobs are shipped overseas and we have nothing but low paying jobs here. But where does this stop?
They'll hound Coke and Pepsi like they did RJR and Philip Morris until the soda companies forfeit big monies, then the government draining those companies dry will go after someone else. Where does it end? They refuse to even discuss any type of universal healthcare but yet they are willing to tax and sue and regulate companies out of business.
And then there's our friend the fruits and vegetables. Have you seen lately how many chemicals the government allows them to use for fertilzers, pesticides, and so on, not to mention hybrids? Or the meats and all the dyes, steroids and chemicals they inject our meats with legally?
You're going to tell me how dangerous my smoking is, ban me from doing it in public and then tell me how badly that tax money is needed?
You're going to put labels on sodas and tell me how dangerous they are as you let companies put unnatural, untested and who knows what they cause chemicals in my fruits and vegetables?
Where does it end? If you pay for my medical, then you have a right to tell me what to consume, however, you choose to allow healthcare companies continue to rape us, then you have no right to tell me what or how to consume anything.
And I just love the people who advocate these "warnings" and bannings....
"Well smoking is bad for you..... second hand smoke..... I don't want to pay your healthcare..... government has to protect us"
Same F'n people turn around and say "government is too strong and not sticking to what the founding fathers meant.... universal healthcare over my dead body...... government has no right to tell me this but has every right to keep your smoke out of my face in a privately owned restaurant/bar."
Which is it freaking hypocrites? Don't tell me government has a right to ban or regulate my smoking or soda then complain government is too big.
I just love people who use the excuse "I use/do this because I LOVE the feeling/joy/happiness it brings me" and expect you to be ok with that as you watch them destroy their life blindly following. My response is, "I like to put forks in an eletrical socket, just LOVE that feeling, can't ever get enough of it, so will you let me put this copper fork in that electric socket?"
Last edited by pan6467; 07-15-2005 at 12:30 PM..