Thread: defragging hdd
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Old 07-15-2005, 11:40 AM   #9 (permalink)
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Location: Go A's!!!!
Originally Posted by bendsley
In linux you still have the fsck command.

fsck [ -sACVRTNP ] [ -t fstype ] filesys [ ... ] [--] [ fsck-options ]

fsck is used to check and optionally repair a one or more Linux file systems. filesys can be a device name (e.g. /dev/hdc1, /dev/sdb2), a mount point (e.g. /, /usr, /home), or an ext2 label or UUID specifier (e.g. UUID=8868abf6-88c5-4a83-98b8-bfc24057f7bd or LABEL=root). The fsck program will try to run filesystems on different physical disk drives in parallel to reduce total amount time to check all of the filesystems.

The Windows Defrag program is based off of Peter Norton's original defrag software. Up until Windows ME, the program was actually Norton's defragger until MS decided to do it themselves. If you're running Windows XP, I believe it tries to do some defragging in the background automatically, or at least it tries to be smarted where it puts things on the disk.

In a single-user, single-tasking OS, it's best to keep all blocks for a
file together, because _most_ of the disk accesses over a given period
of time will be against a single file. In this scenario, the read-write
heads of your HD advance sequentially through the hard disk. In the same
sort of system, if your file is fragmented, the read-write heads jump
all over the place, adding seek time to the hard disk access time.

In a multi-user, multi-tasking, multi-threaded OS, many files are being
accessed at any time, and, if left unregulated, the disk read-write
heads would jump all over the place all the time. Even with
'defragmented' files, there would be as much seek-time delay as there
would be with a single-user single-tasking OS and fragmented files.

Fortunately, multi-user, multi-tasking, multi-threaded OSs are usually
built smarter than that. Since file access is multiplexed from the point
of view of the device (multiple file accesses from multiple, unrelated
processes, with no order imposed on the sequence of blocks requested),
the device driver incorporates logic to accomodate the performance hits,
like reordering the requests into something sensible for the device
(i.e elevator algorithm).

In other words, fragmentation is a concern when one (and only one)
process access data from one (and only one) file. When more than one
file is involved, the disk addresses being requested are 'fragmented'
with respect to the sequence that the driver has to service them, and
thus it doesn't matter to the device driver whether or not a file was

To illustrate:

I have two programs executing simultaneously, each reading two different

The files are organized sequentially (unfragmented) on disk...

Program 1 reads file 1, block 1
file 1, block 2
file 2, block 1
file 2, block 2
file 2, block 3
file 1, block 3

Program 2 reads file 3, block 1
file 4, block 1
file 3, block 2
file 4, block 2
file 3, block 3
file 4, block 4

The OS scheduler causes the programs to be scheduled and executed such
that the device driver receives requests
file 3, block 1
file 1, block 1
file 4, block 1
file 1, block 2
file 3, block 2
file 2, block 1
file 4, block 2
file 2, block 2
file 3, block 3
file 2, block 3
file 4, block 4
file 1, block 3

Graphically, this looks like...


As you can see, the accesses are already 'fragmented' and we haven't
even reached the disk yet (up to this point, the access have been
against 'logical' addresses). I have to stress this, the above
situation is _no different_ from an MSDOS single file physical access
against a fragmented file.

So, how do we minimize the effect seen above? If you are MSDOS, you
reorder the blocks on disk to match the (presumed) order in which they
will be requested. On the other hand, if you are Linux, you reorder the
_requests_ into a regular sequence that minimizes disk access using
something like an elevator algorithm. You also read ahead on the drive
(optimizing disk access), buffer most of the file data in memory, and
you only write dirty blocks. In other words, you minimize the effect of
'file fragmentation' as part of the other optimizations you perform
on the _access requests_ before you execute them.
Now, this is not to say that 'file fragmentation' is a good thing. It's
just that 'file fragmentation' doesn't have the *impact* here that it
would have in MSDOS-based systems. The performance difference between a
'file fragmented' Linux file system and a 'file unfragmented' Linux
file system is minimal to none, where the same performance difference
under MSDOS would be huge.

Under the right circumstances, fragmentation is a neutral thing, neither
bad nor good. As to defraging a Linux filesystem (ext2fs), there are
tools available, but (because of the design of the system) these tools
are rarely (if ever) needed or used. That's the impact of designing up
front the multi-processing/multi-tasking multi-user capacity of the OS
into it's facilities, rather than tacking multi-processing/multi-tasking
multi-user support on to an inherently single-processing/single-tasking
single-user system.

...umm... yeah what he said, I am trying Diskeeper out
Spank you very much
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