Angel's at Work
I was watching this show on TV that shows some stories made up by writers and other remarkable stories that are real.
There was a woman who had been dreaming of going to Tahiti for years. She said "I wanted to come to Tahiti since forever, i can't believe i'm finally on the plane."
She was looking for her seat when she was informed that the first class row was behind her. She replied that she had coach. But then, the stewardess told her that she must have been upgraded. When she sat at the window seat, the stewardess came up again and said that she had to sit in the aisle, that was her ticket. The man who sat next to her asked if she wanted to sit in the window seat. As she looked to him, she saw the stewardess looking at her. She looked so serious it was scary. She shook her head almost visciously. She then rejected the offer.
She felt a little strange later on in the flight, and went to the bathroom to "powder her nose." She then heard an announcement form the captain. "Attention, please return to your seat immediately. She ran to her seat and buckled her seatbelt. She looked nervously around and everyone was smiling at her, as if to re-assure her from her fright. She looked at the stewardess and she heard her say "tighten your seatbelt." Yet, her mouth didn't move, as if she was communicating telepathically. She thought about telling the man in the window seat, but she thought he had heard enough of her senselessness.
Five seconds later, she heard a click, and 4 seats long worth of fuselage ripped off of the plane. She looked to the man next to her, who had been sucked out of the plane, no seatbelt. Her seatbelt, advised by the captain and stewardess, saved her life.
Im not the best at story telling, but i got the point across. I think. This a based on a true story.
Four words...
Angels in our midst.
by the way, my first post as being Tilted. :-D
Check and mate, now king me.