Originally Posted by Locobot
Yeah there's really no place for these beliefs in Western society. Lock him up and let him rot I say. He also made statements about how he knows paradise awaits him in the afterlife, so padded walls and suicide watch seem appropriate. Really the death penalty seems too lenient for this guy.
I very much doubt that he'd kill himself. In Islam, that's not allowed. Besides, he'll probably try to get someone else to kill him; that way, he can be a "martyr".
I think that the death penalty is indeed too lenient for him. That's why I want him locked up for life. He wanted to die, so we'll make sure he'll stay alive for a *very* long time. And judging from recent reports, he may be locked up in solitary confinement. He's been trying to recruit other prisoners to his cause, and he's been writing extremist stories. Even in jail, he's still dangerous.