First i want to say that, If she knew that they were having sex..Then her just walking in isn't right, The reason i say this is because..The way i was raised, My room was my space..It's the only place in the whole house (except for bathroom) that i had my own privacy and not have to worry about my mom or stepfather just barging in saying...This is my house, I go where i please.
When i was 17 my girlfriend was sleeping over at my house and your damn right we were fucking, And if it was during the day..Actually to make it simple, My room was in the basement..If the door was closed, That meant "Do Not Disturb"
But hey, If that's your parents rules..Then that's the way it is i guess.
If i have kids, I will treat them like i was treated growing up...Teenagers need there own space.
"To win any battle, you must fight as if you were already dead" -Musashi