It kind of depends of you believe in Kharma. I'm not sure I do but it is an interesting concept. I find my self sometimes having random thoughts about death. Not morbid thoughts, just trying to concieve some of the mystery.
My existence will continue until it ceases. I may never know what made that particular time matter.
If the universe was fair bad people should only live among us a short time and good people a long time. The universe is uncaring and random.
I believe that our "time to go" is probably just a random occurance but we should live as if it mattered.
Would you live as a better person if you knew the time of your departure? Since you don't, shouldn't you live that way all the time?
Death may not be the end, it may be the beginning, but it may not be something from Sunday school.
What if this is the learning stage in a continued existence?
Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you,
Jesus Christ and the American G. I.
One died for your soul, the other for your freedom