While there is wiggle room in design, and you could claim that perhaps bisexual men do not find lesbian porn stimulating but they do find male-male porn stimulating (and I think this is a bit of a reach, as 'straight' bi ment find it stimulating but they do not get stimulated by the male-male porn), I do not find the results surprising.
I've always felt that male bisexuality was more of a learned response, and that they were either gay or straight.
On the other hand I do believe that female bisexuality is quite real and I would like to see how a similar study worked on them. Part of the problem would be that while men are known for being easily, visually stimulated, the same does not apply for most women so the study would have to have a different design.
Edit: Opps I didn't read the last bit of the article, and it seems they 'agree' with my bisexuality in women theory. 1.5% bisexual is a TAD low though