FYI: PSP + Water
Here's a little story about a recent mishappening with my PSP. As I was travelling I had a water bottle come open inside my bag and submerse my PSP in water while in standby mode.
Needless to say I was pissed!
I know that you aren't supposed to try and power on electronics while they are wet so I decided I would dry it off before I saw how extensive the damage was. After a day out on the counter, I found the PSP bone dry, and tried the power switch. No love.
I decided to try charging the battery, and I plugged the PSP in. The orange light came on, and I felt a tiny, tiny, tiny bit better.
After leaving the PSP plugged in overnight I found that the orange light was still on in the morning. I assumed that the PSP was really messed, but I tried to turn it on anyway.
Fired right up, everything still on the memory stick, and able to perform any function I had used it for previously. I swapped batteries with a friend, and it worked as well. So the only thing the water did was cook my battery.
Replacement at BestBuy $49CAD
As soon as you stop living, you start dying....