Aside from all the great ideas here...
I'd hire a guy and go around town handing out money to folks who do things for me. I mean, if a guy holds a door for me, I'd give him $100. The woman who holds the elevator? She gets a $100. The kid in front of me begging his mother for some candy, but can't because she doesn't have the extra cash? I give the mom $100 to do with it what she will as long as she buys the kid something.
I'd give money to the local college and set up a some scholarships for deserving kids who don't have the money to attend.
I'd fund the local library's initiative to move to a bigger location and give them money to buy a whole bunch of books.
A couple of years ago, I saw this horrific car accident. A guy ran a red light and side swiped this lady's car sending her into a traffic light. The guy ran off and all the cops were left to go on was a vague description of the car until some fellow who worked at a local gas station came out and gave the cops part of the license plate number (I don't know why he chose to remember that). I'd give guys/gals like that money.
I'd set up a big ass house in the middle of nowhere to give folks (battered women, teenagers running away from abuse and the like) a place to get their shit together without having to worry about making the rent for a while.
Cello is right, there's just so much I'd want to do.
No signature. None. Seriously.