Originally Posted by pan6467
I don't want to watch this country I love destroy itself from within anymore. There's been way too much hatred it's time to make peace with each other.... we have a true enemy that doesn't give a fuck about which side of abortion you are on, their only purpose in life is to kill us (and they have plenty willing to commit suicide to do it) and we best find out how to stop them.
The first step is Unity.
It's impossible to reach a unified position when one group on "our side" offers as a "solution" the appeasement of the enemy. The way to deal with people who want to kill you is to kill them first, not to give them hugs and therapy while giving into their demands. I'm virtually POSITIVE that we could stop fundamentalist muslims from attacking the US if we only would change our Constitution to whatever fucked up vision of what a "proper Islamic State" should be they have. If we put all American women in Burquas, execute all homosexuals, kill all Jews, exterminate all but fundamentalist Islam as a religion, and bow to Mecca five times daily while obeying Sharia law, I'm sure we could have peace with them. Somehow, however, I doubt that they would settle for less than that, and I sure as hell would not allow that to happen.
Appeasement only emboldens your attackers.