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Old 07-12-2005, 02:31 PM   #928 (permalink)
Zeraph's Avatar
Location: The Cosmos
Here's a whole bunch of leveling info that I saved. Mostly for alliance but a lot of it will apply to horde as well.
Level 12-20:
- Westfall [Sentinel Hill, Westfall Lighthouse]
- Loch Modan [Thelsamar, Farstrider's Lodge, Stonewrought Dam]
- Darkshore [Auberdine]
- Elite Area: Mo'grosh mound (Loch Modan)
- Instance: Deadmines

Complete the easiest quests in the first area that you go to (Night Elves should visit Darkshore first, Dwarves/Gnomes should visit Loch Modan first, Humans should visit Westfall first.) Move onto the next zone, and do the same, but this time you can complete more of the zone. Leave the most difficult, unless you can get a group for them - don't waste too much time on it, though. Move onto the last zone and complete all, or nearly all of the quests available in that zone. By this time, you should be about level 17-18. Go back to the first zone, and complete the rest of the quests there.

Typically, my "first zone" is Westfall, in which case you can go back when you are done with both Loch Modan and Darkshore, and finish the Van Cleef line of quests and be at a good level to run the instance.

Level 20-22:
- Redridge Mountains [Lakeshire, Tower of Azora in Elwynn]

Again, do the easy quests in Redridge, which should take you up to level 21 or 22. Skip the more difficult quests unless you have a group for them. I'd skip the entire Stonewatch Keep area of quests just simply because that entire area itself is crap.

Level 22-30:
- Redridge Mountains [Lakeshire, Tower of Azora in Elwynn]
- Duskwood [Darkshire, Sven's Camp, Abercrombie]
- Wetlands [Menethil Harbor, Greenwarden, N. Loch Modan (The Algaz Gauntlet)]
- Ashenvale [Astranaar ?]
- Stonetalon Mountains [?]
- Elite Area: Dun Modr (Wetlands)
- Instance: The Stockades
- Instance: Shadowfang Keep
- Instance: Blackfathom Deeps
- Happy Loot: Naraxis' Fang (Duskwood)
- Happy Loot: Tiny Crimson Whelpling (Wetlands)
- Grind Area [26]: Dragonmaw Encampment (Wetlands)
- Grind Area [26]: Whelgar's Excavation Site (Wetlands)
- Grind Area [28]: Rotting Orchard (Duskwood)
- Grind Area [28]: Raven Hill Cemetary (Duskwood)
- Grind Area [29]: Vul'Gol Ogre Mound (Duskwood)

Preparation: Purchase Bronze Tube.

Start at either Duskwood or Wetlands. This is where "quest stacking" can come in really handy if you want to be efficient. There are many, many quests that send you to the same areas, and if you get all of the quests at once, you can knock all of them out without having to run back and forth. Considering Wetlands and Duskwood are fairly bad for having their towns on one side of the map and the quest mobs/areas on the other side, this saves a lot of time. A lot of these are parts of quest chains, so honestly it's hard to know if you don't have prior knowledge or do a lot of quest research beforehand - so don't worry about it too much, but try to be as efficient as you can. Once you finish one of the two new areas, you should be about level 25 and can go finish the harder parts of Redridge, and then finish the last zone.

Note for Stockades : There are 6 quests you can obtain for this instance. Lakeshire, Darkshire, Wetlands, Van Cleef note continuation (Bazil Thredd), and two from Stormwind.

Level 31-37:
- Stranglethorn Vale [Rebel Camp, Nesingwary's Expedition, Booty Bay]
- Hillsbrad Foothills [Southshore]
- Arathi Highlands [Refuge Pointe]
- Desolace [32]
- Thousand Needles [31]
- Instance: Gnomeregan
- Happy Loot: Howling Blade (Skhowl, Alterac Mountains)
- Happy Loot: Toxic Revenger (Gnomeregan)
- Happy Loot: Tiny Emerald Whelpling (Swamp of Sorrows)
- Grind Area [31]: Kurzen Encampment [!NOTE!] (Stranglethorn Vale) -- [Test needed]
- Grind Area [33]: Stranglethorn Raptors (Stranglethorn Vale)
- Grind Area [33]: Growless Cave (Alterac Mountains)
- Grind Area [34]: Gallow's Corner (Crushridge Ogres - Altarac Mountains)
- Grind Area [36]: Venture Co. Base Camp (Lake Nazferiti - Stranglethorn Vale)

Preparation: Purchase all 15 pages of The Green Hills of Stranglethorn, 4 Bloodstone Ore.

Start at Stranglethorn Vale. Quest stacking here is also godly, since you don't want to have to run all the way to the northern end of the zone, do one or two quests and turn them back in at Booty Bay. Rebel Camp's quests are largely independent of the rest, though, so you can do those first. Then, head to Booty Bay, where you can pick up two main quests for the northern area: Investigate the Camp and the start of the Excelsior chain, both of which takes you to Nesingwary's Expedition, where you obtain all of the nice happy quests there.

Hillsbrad is only good starting at about level 33, at which point you can actually *do* all of the quests that you could obtain at level 30... Arathi only has one or two quests that you can actually do right now, but it's listed anyways.

Kurzen Cave has been fixed, which perhaps means that Jungle Fighters and Headshrinkers have as well, so someone test that out please.

Level 37-43:
- Stranglethorn Vale [Booty Bay, Nesingwary's Expedition, Rebel Camp]
- Arathi Mountains [Refuge Pointe, Faldir's Cove]
- Badlands [Various camps around the zone]
- Desolace [37]
- Elite Area: Stromgarde
- Elite Area: Mosh'ogg Mound
- Instance: Scarlet Monastery
- Instance: Uldaman
- Instance: Razorfen Downs
- Happy Loot: Tiny Black Whelpling (Badlands)
- Grind Area [37]: Lashtail Raptors (Stranglethorn Vale)
- Grind Area [37]: Water Elementals (Stranglethorn Vale)
- Grind Area [37]: Theramore Coast (Dustwallow Marsh) - Turtle Scales & Leathers
- Grind Area [39]: The spider cave north of Brackenwall (Swamp of Sorrows)
- Grind Area [39]: Rock Elementals (Badlands)
- Grind Area [39]: Elder Crag Coyotes (Badlands)
- Grind Area [41]: Scalding Whelps (Badlands)
- Grind Area [41]: Agmond's End (Badlands)
- Grind Area [41]: Ziata'jai Ruins (Venture Co. Stuff, Stranglethorn Vale)
- Grind Area [43]: Naga Explorers (Stranglethorn Vale)

Preparation: Purchase 9 Blue Pearls, 1 Frost Oil, 1 Gyrochronatom, 4 Buzzard Wings, 1 Elixir of Water Breathing.

37 is where you obtain your next batch of quests from Stranglethorn Vale. Arathi Highlands has fairly decent quests in Faldir's Cove, or if you're feeling group-friendly, knock out the ones in Stromgarde. Badlands has a lot of nice quests, but you have to actually find them. This is where supplementing experience by grinding becomes more efficient at times, and at 42-43 you should be closing the last of your Stranglethorn quests, and be finished with Badlands and Arathi both, as well.

Scarlet Monastery. Black Menace or Sword of Serenity. Nothing more needs to be said - except where to obtain the quest: Desolace.

Level 43-46:
- Feralas [Feathermoon Stronghold]
- Tanaris [Gadgetzan, Steamwheedle Port]
- Instance: Zul'Farrak
- Grind Area [43]: Wastewander Bandits (Tanaris)
- Grind Area [44]: Isle of Dread (Feralas - Inside Cave; South of Feathermoon Stronghold)
- Grind Area [45]: Feral Scar Vale (Feralas)
- Happy Loot: 14slot bag! Cortello's Riddle quest, starts in one of the ships in Stranglethorn Vale for the end of the Bloodsail Buccaneers line of quests.

Fairly self explanatory, I guess. Not much going on here, really.

Level 46-50:
- Tanaris [Gadgetzan, Steamwheedle Port]
- The Hinterlands [Aerie Peak]
- Instance: Zul'Farrak
- Instance: Maraudon [49]
- Instance: Temple of Atal'Hakkar [50]
- Grind Area [47]: Undead in Western Ashzara (Azshara)
- Grind Area [47]: Dunemaul Compound (Tanaris)
- Grind Area [47]: Elementals/Golems around The Cauldron + N of it (Searing Gorge) - Elemental Leatherworking Supplies

At this point, you more than likely have a bunch of quests saved up for The Hinterlands - including but not limited to, the quest to gather Wildkin Feathers (from Rutheran Village), the quest to obtain a snapshot of Gammerita, the quest to obtain Violet Trajan, the last part of Cortello's Riddle, etc. Feel free to knock them all out at once.

Level 50-55:
- Searing Gorge [Kalaran Windblade]
- Blasted Lands [Blood Elf camp]
- Un'Goro Crater [Marshal's Refuge]
- Felwood [Emerald Sanctuary]
- Burning Steppes [Morgan's Vigil]
- Instance: Temple of Atal'Hakkar
- Grind Area [49]: The Overlook Cliffs (The Hinterlands) - Turtle Scales & Rugged Leathers
- Grind Area [50]: Deadwood Village (Felwood)
- Grind Area [51]: Ruins of Eldarath (Azshara)
- Grind Area [52]: Dreadmaul Rock (Firegut Ogres - Burning Steppes)
- Grind Area [52]: Legash Encampment, Thalassian Base Camp, Ursolan (Azshara)
- Grind Area [52]: Jaedenar (Felwood)
- Grind Area [52]: Sorrow Hill (Western Plaguelands)
- Grind Area [54]: Temple of Arkkoran (Azshara)
- Grind Area [55]: Jadefire Run, Felpaw Village (Felwood)

The quests in Blasted Lands all stack on top of each other. Five in total, one for each stat; they give 4700 experience per turn-in, along with always the chance of obtaining a Draenethyst Sphere for Kumi'sha the Collector with every mob you kill. Un'Goro Crater has the biggest collection of quests out of all of these zones.

Level 55-60:
- Winterspring [Everlook, Starfall Village]
- Western Plaguelands [Chillwind Point]
- Eastern Plaguelands [Light's Hope Chapel]
- Instance: Blackrock Depths
- Instance: Blackrock Spire [60]
- Instance: Stratholme [60]
- Instance: Scholomance [60]
- Grind Area [55]: Felstone Field, Dalson's Tears, The Writhing Haunt, Gahrron's Withering (Western Plaguelands)
- Grind Area [56]: Northridge Lumber Camp (Western Plaguelands)
- Grind Area [56]: Corin's Crossing (Eastern Plaguelands)
- Grind Area [56]: The Pillar of Ash (Burning Steppes)
- Grind Area [56]: Winterfall Village (Winterspring)
- Grind Area [57]: Blackrock Stronghold (Burning Steppes) [NOTE]
- Grind Area [57]: Ice Thistle Hills (Wintespring) - Rugged Leathers
And info on quests for 57-60
First, I would have to agree with Esh. Getting started on running Dire Maul, Stratholme, Scholomance and the other high end instances would be the best way to gain some experience towards sixty and allow you the opportunity to get some nice items. However, if you're intent on non-instance questing, make sure you complete all the quests found in Winterspring, Felwood and make certain to do every quest you can which Nathanos Blightcaller gives in Eastern Plaguelands. Also, the new elite quests patch 1.5 added to the new Troll camp located in the eastern portion of the Hinterlands may still be green, which you should do if such is the case.

Lastly if you haven't done so already, talk with the Fallen Hero of the Horde on the border of the Blasted Lands and Swamp of Sorrow and start the "Swamp Talker" quest which leads to the "Stones that bind us". This quest will land you some amazing xp, and is both fun and easy.

Get started on warlord's command too. A full run of LBRS + the misc quests in there + warlords will net you a full level in all likelyhood.

Also, talk to duke hydraxis in azshara and get your MC questline going. After the first two quests you get a simple UBRS quest that you can complete as you go through collecting eyes for Warlords.

If you haven't gotten MC attuned, run a BRD group. Slower xp at your level but tons of quests in there you could get done if you haven't done em, and you end up attuned at the end.

The battle of darrowshire questline that starts with the redpath lady in the inn in winterspring is good xp if you haven't done it yet, and some decent rewards. Also the scarlet courier/oracle quests from blightcaller in plaguelands
And a brief horde section
14-16: Pirates south of Ratchet (Barrens)
16-19: Various wildlife, especially cats, in Barrens. Note that if you're using a dagger crit build, then exp for this is insane.
19-22: Bramblescar (Barrens) on lizards and quillboars. Unless you're doing leatherworking, just leave the lizards alone.
22-24: Tarren Mill (Hillsbrad) on bears and spiders. Dagger crit chain heaven.
24-26: Across the road from Tarren Mill on tougher bears and cats. Dagger crit chain heaven.
26-28: Spiders/Bears in back of Syndicate tower (Hillsbrad)
28-30: Cats and Spiders around Nethander Stead (Hillsbrad)
30-32: Harpies inside cave (Thousand Needles)
And rogues may find this useful, don't forget that you can now talk to trainers to find out where to go, but this is incase you want to plan ahead (or always forget to ask the trainer).
• Hillsbrad Foothills - Durnholde Keep
• Redridge Mountains - Lake Everstill
• Ashenvale Forest - Zoram Strand
• Stonetalon Mountains - Windshear Crag and Associated Mines
• Wetlands - Murloc Camps
• Desolace - Sar'theris Strand
• Badlands - Angor Fortress
• Swamp of Sorrows - Pool of Tears
• Searing Gorge - The Slag Pit
• Tanaris Desert - Lost Rigger Cove
• Azshara - Bay of Storms
• Eastern Plaguelands - Tyr's Hand (elite)
You'll need to estimate where youre at, visit the place, and if it's too high go one lower or too low go one higher.

The writers for most of these were rogues, so that's there's phrases like crit builds, etc in there, but it should work fine for any class.
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