Originally Posted by Hash_Browns
But being a Mom has made these kinds of things really difficult because of the preconceptions other people have about what a mom should look like. Add on top of that the fact that I am 26 (july 19th) and have 3 kids, it would in my opinion give more people reasons to think I couldn't possibly be a good mom being so young and looking like such a rebel. I know it's easy for me to say fuck what other people think, but it's harder for me to stand out when it comes to my kids and not wanting them to have to deal with my choices and get comments or other things shoved in thier faces (because my daughter is 5 and starts 1st grade in the fall, I fear people at school saying these kinds of things openly as this area is very conservative).
I have to agree with Hashbrowns on this one. Conservative area. What are they going to say about the mom of a 9 yr old who dyed her hair purple?
But, anyways, once I get de-traumatized from these last two days, I will be making the attempt to see how the purple goes. Even if that means I'll be in a baseball cap for outings in case of something said on the kid basis.