Sounds much like my hernia surgery back in Jan. Mine got so bad before surgery that it constantly felt like I had heartburn and lifting heavy things was quite uncomfortable. If you had let it go it could have become much worse and more painful. My insicion was 3 fingerwidths below the sternum and not quite 2 inches long so I never suffered the discomfort from getting out of bed quite like you did but I did have a c-section so I know what cuts below the waistline feel like.
I feel for you. Glad you got it done. Now you'll be back to your old self faster than you think. After only a month I was itching to climb on the roof and clean the gutters and other much more active pursuits.
Good Luck.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.