Originally Posted by Daoust
You lost me at "drop out to a command prompt." I'm dumb as shit when it comes ot computers... anyway, I'll try it.
Thanks, by the way, for all your help!
I'm going to assume you've got a computer with a "Windows" button in the lower left (the one with the windows Start Menu logo on it).
1) Hold that Windows button down and press the letter "e". This will open Windows Explorer.
2) Click with your mouse through your directories until you can see all the 200 files you are interested in printing on the right side of the window.
3) Hold down the Windows button and press the letter "r". This will open the "run" command box.
4) If you are using Windows XP, type in that box "CMD" and press enter. If you are using Windows 98, ME, or 2000, type in that box "command" and press enter.
5) You will now be in that command prompt they mentioned earlier and you can type in the command dir /b /on > list.txt and hit enter.
6) Once you are done, type 'exit' to close the command prompt window.
7) the newly created file list.txt will appear in that window with the 200 files, and you can then open it in Word and print it out.
I hope this helps.